Friday, June 28, 2013


  It was another sunny day on the farm, the horses are running in the field. Inside the farm house an old man sits in his rocking chair thinking how he should start his day. A couple of miles away three sisters were swimming in a beautiful lake. A farmer was carrying two tractor wheels to the tractor that had two flat wheels. While everyone was doing their chores and all other stuff they do everyday a fancy car drives in the driveway. A lady in a business suit climbs out of the car and walks to the house hoping to find whoever she was looking for.
The farmer who was fixing the tractor asked, "who are you looking for Ma'am?"
She stopped, turned around, and said, "I'm am looking for Greg Bailsman. Must you be him?" 
"No Ma'am, I'm sorry. I can direct you to him if you would like me to" The farmer offered.
"That would be most kind of you" she said smiling "what is your name Sir?"
"My name is John Bailsman first and only son of Greg Bailsman" "before I show you where my Father is can I ask you what your name is?"
"My name is Charline Kapens, pleased to meet you."

  John led Charline to his Father in the farm house still thinking. When they got to the corner where Greg was siting in his old rocking chair John left the two alone and went back to fix the tractor.
"I am here for business as you must know. I am here to buy your farm"
Greg looks up to Charline and asks, "why so? Don't you business people have enough money already?"
"This is not my choice Sir, my Boss sent me here. I just want to get this done and over with... plus I do not want to get yelled at by my boss, he is scary."
"That is not my problem, Ma'am. I just want you to leave because this is my farm and I've had it for a really long time. That is not your problem."
"Sir, please, I don't want to make a fuss"
"if you do not wish to make a fuss then leave and get off my property, now!" Greg raised his voice.

  Three girls walked in soaking wet and just stopped and stared. The youngest of them all got a mad face and yelled, "we are not selling our land. I am tired of all you business people walking in like you own the place!!" then she stomped off.
"I'm sorry I think I should be leaving" Charline walked towards the door. "... And for the record, my Boss might come in himself to have a chat with you. I said that so you would be prepared" after she said that she left. be continued

By: Shizu the Dreamer (Richelle G)

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