Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Margot the Miserable

                                                     Margot the Miserable by Gardner Grey

                                                      I was nothing but an ordinary girl,
                                                      But I seemed to be disliked by the entire world.
                                                      Whenever I said soon the sun will come,
                                                      At me everyone decided to poke fun.
                                                      They locked me up one day,
                                                      And when the sun came out, they all went to play.
                                                      When it started to rain, they let me out,
                                                       My feelings of anger and sadness were great, no doubt.
                                                       I missed the sun, which I wanted to see,
                                                       I wanted to look up into the rain and scream,
                                                                       "WHY ME?!?!"