Friday, June 28, 2013

The Tricky Bird

One beautiful spring day there was a silky Golden Retriever that was out in its back yard just frolicking around. There was a beautiful Blue Jay in a tree that got startled by the sight of the golden Retriever!
It scarcely flew away, like a speeding bolt of light. The dog quickly followed the Jay, running across the yard through bushes, and over the fence!

The bird then led the dog across the street, through an alley, and into a mall!! The dog startled everyone in the mall, as he rushed by to get to the Blue Jay. The Jay then flew into a very fancy, high-class jewelry store. The Jay landed on a sparkly and stunning Blue Sapphire necklace; the dog came into the store sniffing around crazily for the Blue Jay. The dog sniffed to and from. He sniffed every inch in the store except.. the counter, he threw his fluffy big paws, which were muddy, on the counter and saw the Jay siting there on the necklace, like an undercover cop hiding.

Just when the dog snapped at the Jay, he made a loud, screeching, "Chiiirrrrppp!" and flew away! When the Jay flew away, there was a feather that landed on the Blue Sapphire necklace. The dog opened his jaws as wide as he could and bit the feather, not knowing he got the necklace too; then he ran out of the store and right out of the mall just as someone snapped a picture of the scene!

The guy who took the picture called Mall Security and the Police telling them everything that had just happened. The Police confiscated the camera with the picture as evidence. Luckily, in the picture they saw the dogs collar, and was able to see his license number so they can locate him.

Later on that day, the Police called the owner explaining everything that happened and set a meeting to meet at the family's house the next day.  That next day the Police showed up at the owners house. The family welcomed them inside and asked them to have a seat.  Everyone was talking for a few minutes, until everything went dead silence... The Police then asked if they could have the necklace back. The owners gladly gave the bent, chewed up, grassy covered, necklace that was missing a few diamonds back. The police kindly told them that they had to pay for the damages, and the owners accepted the request. The family learned to take better care and watch their dogie much more closely.
Jeanine Smith

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