Friday, June 28, 2013

Waiting For Rain, By: Bankbits

The old man sat in the rocking chair. Waiting. CREAK, CREAK, the chair rocked. Silence. CREAK, CREAK, went the old man's bones. His cat sat on the porch. He was waiting too. CREAK, CREAK, went the chair. The old man moved his head from side to side. Looking. First the barn, across the fields, around the old tires by the truck, over the mountain, and ended by the lake. Not a soul stirred save the old man and the cat. Then they looked from side to side again. First the barn, across the fields, around the old tires by the truck, over the mountain, and then the lake. Waiting.

    There! They saw it. A lonely figure across the way came towards them, slowly. They waited. Finally, the figure's gray pinstriped suit came into view. Here was what they were waiting for. 

    "Good day Mr. Smith. Are you ready to close the deal on your farm?"

    The old man got up. Slowly. The chair creaked. His bones creaked. The old man said,

    "Not for as long as I'm alive!"

    "But sir. You see, the deal has already been made. the papers are all written out. If you are willing to cooperate, we just need your signature. If you won't work with us and the banks, there are other ways too. Give it up old man!"

    "I won't! And you can't make me! I'll stand here forever if I have too!"

    "Ah..., but you're beaten. If you won't sign, we can take away your purebred stallion, Rain, too."

The farm was going to be foreclosed because the old man couldn't pay off his debts. If he didn't sell his farm, they would take Rain, as an asset. He was hoping to wait for some money from his crops so he could save the farm and save Rain. So he had waited.

    The old man loved his horse dearly, and would do anything for Rain, even if it meant selling his home. So he signed on the dotted line. He couldn't wait for Rain any longer.

- Bankbits

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