Friday, June 28, 2013

A Mystery Robbery by Dawn-Marie


                                   Mystery Robbery

                       It was a stormy day at Lakeview Mall, but that keep people from going shopping. The mall was filled with people. Going upstairs downstairs back-forward zigzag people bumping into each other, but "BOOM!"Everything stopped when the wealthiest women in the city stepped in, Martha Allison. She wore very awkward clothing and today she dressed as Blue Macaw. Everyone watched as the blue feathers flew everywhere, while her dog Bruno tried to catch them. As Martha walked through the mall confident and proud something caught her eye. It was the most beautiful necklace she'd ever seen. The blue diamonds twinkled in her eyes. _ In her heels she ran as quickly as she could into the jewelry store. She thought of how amazing it would look around her neck. She went straight to the counter ,"Please Sr. I will like that diamond blue necklace." She said excitedly  "Sorry mam you can't have it." He replied. Martha laughed "You must know who I am? I'm-"  The jeweler cut her off and said, " I know exactly who you are. Another one of those multi-millionaires. Well sorry mam you can't have it. It's on hold for Thomas Pierre. He'll be picking it up today." "Well there must be another one?"She said, "No mam it's a one of kind. I'm very sorry" He said. That only made Martha want the necklace even more.One of a kind jewelry! "Oh well how much did he gave you for it? I'll give you fifty thousand1." "Mam sorry it's on hold.There are many other jewels in here." He said trying not to show how aggravated he was. He waved out his hands to show her to the other jewels. "Oh! But I don't want those! I want this one!" She said in aggravation. Mam please, you're turning attention this way." Said the Jeweler. Martha said angrily "Oh what would a man need a one of a kind diamond necklace for! Is he going to wear it?!" The police had walked over to see what all the humbug was about. As the jeweler told the police, Martha kept rambling on about why a man shouldn't have a diamond necklace. When the police asked Martha politely to leave the store Martha Screamed "Not until I get my necklace! It belongs to me!" She was dragged out the Jewelry store and said "I will get my necklace!"

          As Martha's butler let her out the limo he asked "Madam has something happened in the mall?" Martha slapped her butler " It is none of your business! You want to know what's your business? Your business and job is doing as I say! Now fix me some ice tea and get me a fresh towel I'm going to the pool. Also since you can't mind your own bussiness go pick up Bruno's on the yard's lawn! Martha was always rude to her maids, Butlers, chauffeurs, cooks anyone who worked for her. She thought they should all bow down. But of course no one else thought that. She was only wealthy Queen.

            That night Martha had left her mansion she said she was only going for a walk. Martha walked down the street all in black, but she couldn't help to leave her feathers. Leaving a trail of feathers which blew away with the wind. Martha caught a taxi and went on where ever she was going.
            Meanwhile at Martha's mansion everyone was cleaning the gigantic place inside and outside even having to clean her high ceilings. All the servants groaned "Oh why do we have to do this!?" said one "We clean this place already everyday!" said another "Even the rooms that are never used!" "Cleaning these fifteen feet high ceilings are dangerous!" "Yeah we can get hurt!" Then the lead maid came out and said "I know what you all mean, but this all Butler Adam's fault! He's the one who got Ms. Martha angry!" Everyone shouted in agreement. The lead maid continued "He knows to stay out of her business! This has happened many times before! If he could only NOT be so curious. I bet if he was the one cleaning this place this wouldn't have happened again!"

                     Three hours had passed and finally the mansion was cleaned. Everyone was asleep. As Martha came up the street she lived going same the way she saw Butler Adam. She was startled by him "OH!" she screamed when she saw him coming up behind her. Then, she realized it was only her butler. "Adam! What were you doing out late at night?" "Sorry I frightened you madam. I just went out to get some air." he replied "Ugh!" Martha said angrily "Well since you're here carry me the rest of the way home." She gave a fake smile. He replied "It'll be my pleasure mam." He also gave a smile. Once he got up the fifty steps to the mansion he let her down. He hunched over and breathed heavily for it was serious work carrying her. "Stand up straight you fool, and stop breathing so heavy!" Martha demanded "and open the door!" "Of course mam." He replied out of breath. As she walked in the mansion was so clean it seem as if everything twinkled. "Oh! It's beautiful! Now this is much better cleaning than usual huh? The mansion always looked that way. Only this time the walls and ceilings were scrubbed. But the butler nodded in agreement. "Well I'll be upstairs in my room if I need you. Goodnight. She shut the lights out. The butler mumbled "Goodnight"

                      One the news that morning everyone eyes were clued to the T.V.  There was footage of Martha having a fit at the jewelry store. Martha was still in bed though. One of the servants said, "Good thing Martha isn't awake, she'd be having a tantrum by now." Everyone agreed. Then Adam came in One of the servants said, " Are you happy now? You get to see what happened to Martha the other day!" Adam didn't reply, but grabbed his breakfast ate by himself. Then a huge announcement came on. The necklace was stolen from Thomas Pierre's house! One of the maids gasped "You don't think Martha did it. Do you?" Adam said as if he was trying to frame Martha " Well she was out for a while last night. Wearing black cloths which isn't her color."    "Oh! Shut up Adam!" the maid said "What do you think Patricia?" (The lead maid) Patricia looked down "Well I think she'd deserve going to jail if it were her. Always bossing us around getting whatever she wants! But yesterday no, she didn't get what she wanted and it was the necklace." Everyone always agreed to what Patricia said she has been around longer than them. She was about fifty years old almost the same age as Martha. Everyone else were in there twenties or thirties. The came down Martha, looking  angry as ever stumping down the stairs. "How dare they accuse me! I'm not a thief! Why would I need to steal when I can buy? I can buy this Universe!" She screamed Everyone came to calm her down saying "Oh we know it wasn't you." Of course they're lying. Martha called her makeup artist. Martha had to go into interrogation.


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