Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Day The Rain Stopped By Bella Chanteur


  The Day The Rain Stopped

    I remember it as if it was yesterday, the total darkness and the desire to be let out.  Sadly, that is how I spent the day when the rain stopped.  I was all alone locked in a closet while the other children were enjoying the sweet rays of the rare sun.
    It all started that dreary morning, waking up to the monotonous rainfall.  We were all waiting for the chance that rarely came.  This would be the first time I saw the sun since I moved to Venus.  It's been five years since the sun came out.  Five years of me wishing for this day to come.  I still remember what the sun was like; warm, bright, happy.  All of my other classmates think of me as an alien or an outsider.  They hate it that I remember the sun and they don't.  The next few moments happened so fast it's hard to recall.  I remember that I was standing there waiting for the rain to stop, when a boy came up to me and asked me what I was waiting for.  I didn't have to tell him, the look in my eyes said it all.  He told me I won't see anything and that this was all a joke.  I tried to tell them that the rain is going to stop, the scientists predicted it.  Then, before I knew it, they all ganged up on me and threw me in a closet.  It all happened because I was different, because I was born on Earth.
    At first, I thought it was all a joke.  Sure, they locked me in a closet, but they aren't cruel enough to let me in there while they enjoyed this rare day.  Then it finally happened, I heard the rain stop.  The silence was almost unbearable.  There I was, all alone in a closet, abandoned, missing the day I have been dreaming about for five years.  I stood there for two hours crying to myself, wondering what I ever did to the others.  Sadly, that is how I spent the day when the rain stopped.


  1. wonderful entry. I love it.

    your friend,
    Nicole Hillary

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So detailed, I almost like this version better than the real story!!! :^D

    your friend,
    Celisse Cui

    1. Thanks, I really appreciate it :)
      ~Belle Chanteur
