Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Great Summer Adventure By: the cat tamer

Once Upon a time on a hot summer day I was at home thinking what should I do today? I was feeling very adventurous and decided to use my brand new iPhone and call up some of my friends. The first friend that I called said that they couldn't because they had to help their parents look for an old letter that was in the basement. I said okay and then called another friend. That friend also said that they couldn't because he was taking his brand new grey cat to get declawed. I said okay and wished him luck. Now I called up my best friend and asked if he wanted to do something and he said that he was busy cleaning his black limmo. He asked me if I wanted to help and I said sure, but it would take me a while to get there because I had to deposite my jar of money at the bank. He said no problem and as soon as I could blink my eyes we were washing the outside of the car getting soaked to the bone with the hose. When we were finished he asked me if I wanted to go to the casino in New York and I said yeah. When we got to New York the first thing that we saw was the statue of liberty shaking her fist at us playfully. We had a blast and soon we were home cuddled up in our beds sleeping soundlessly all through the night dreaming happy dreams.

                                                                           The End 
                                                                   By the Cat Tamer 


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