Friday, June 28, 2013

By Ripley Lucier

I look up at the Statue of Liberty, clutching the old letter that I found in the time capsule.

Meet me at the Statue of Liberty. 3 AM July 7th, 2013.”

I look around for someone who looks lost, but there's nobody in sight. “Maybe this is all a joke.” I say to myself.

Are you Emma?” a voice calls behind me.

Yeah. Are you the, uh, time travel guy?”

Something of the sort.” he laughed.

Who are you?”

Your husband.” I couldn't believe him.

You are not. You're crazy!”

I have proof.” He pulls out what seems to be an iPhone, but it looks more advanced. He shows me a picture of what seems to be an older version of me wearing a wedding dress. He looks the same, his arms wrapped around me, looking down in my eyes. “This is from 2028.”

I'm speechless. How is this possible? I start breathing hard and stuttering. “How- bu- wh- no! How did- oh my- bu- Why are you here now?”

I'm here asking you to save me. Listen to me.” He grabbed my arms and made eye contact. It was very clear to me that this was important, and he wasn't lying. “Go home, pack your bags. Take all of you money out of your money jar. Leave your parents and never come back. Don't talk to them ever again.” he was very serious and no longer looked happy.

Wh- why?” I asked, half crying. How could he possibly ask me for such a thing? This is unbelievable.

This will save both of our lives. Listen. The day after our wedding, your father plans to shoot and kill us both. Do you understand? You have to follow my instructions if you want to live to be older than 30.” He said very firmly, I didn't want to believe him, but he had evidence.

I walked home that night and saw a black limousine go by, imagining my loved ones riding to my funeral in a limo, not knowing the truth about my father, telling him they're terribly sorry and that they hope the police find the killer.

I go home and do as the man told me. I pack my bags and leave out the window, telling my gray cat, Fluffy goodbye as I went. I walked all night, not knowing where to go, but always knowing that my love will find me.


  1. Awesome! You are good.

  2. GREAT job! I love it. I've always had a soft spot for time travel stories. I only wish it was longer. But still, great job!
