Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Great Summer Adventure By: the cat tamer

Once Upon a time on a hot summer day I was at home thinking what should I do today? I was feeling very adventurous and decided to use my brand new iPhone and call up some of my friends. The first friend that I called said that they couldn't because they had to help their parents look for an old letter that was in the basement. I said okay and then called another friend. That friend also said that they couldn't because he was taking his brand new grey cat to get declawed. I said okay and wished him luck. Now I called up my best friend and asked if he wanted to do something and he said that he was busy cleaning his black limmo. He asked me if I wanted to help and I said sure, but it would take me a while to get there because I had to deposite my jar of money at the bank. He said no problem and as soon as I could blink my eyes we were washing the outside of the car getting soaked to the bone with the hose. When we were finished he asked me if I wanted to go to the casino in New York and I said yeah. When we got to New York the first thing that we saw was the statue of liberty shaking her fist at us playfully. We had a blast and soon we were home cuddled up in our beds sleeping soundlessly all through the night dreaming happy dreams.

                                                                           The End 
                                                                   By the Cat Tamer 


Friday, June 28, 2013

New York Never Sleep's

New York never sleep's because people stay partying all night long! From as many lights this city has New York man as well of invented lights. Lights there are like candy and children crazy and all. I've always wanted to go to New York and I know that one day I will go and I probably will enjoy myself. For anyone who has went to or lives in NY I would really like to hear a little bit about it. Anyway NY is always staying up never sleeping because of all of the drama there is there. There's some fights here and there and maybe some arguments too but, it's not a bad city though. If NY were a bad city right now I really wouldn't be talking about it. I wouldn't even think of it. NY is a beautiful place and I would hate for it to be ruined by anyone who hates it. NY is a never ending city and its a perfect place to live blocking out all that fighting and arguing its kind, well nice.!!!!! BY: RUBY!

The White House's Missing Item By Seth Johnson

     "Officers Bob and Joe, please check in.” A female voice said over the radio in the police car.
      “Yes, this is Officer Joe; we are on our way back to the station with the suspect in custody. We’ll be there in about 20-25 minutes.” Joe replied.
      “Copy that.” The voice acknowledged.
        How did they catch me? I wondered. At this point in time, I was sitting in the back of a police cruiser. You may be thinking, why was this man arrested? Did it have anything to do with the mystery item that was stolen from the white house last week? Well I’m here to tell you that I had nothing to do with the stealing of that mystery item. I, like everyone else, don’t even know what it is.
       I’ll put you curiosity to rest and I’ll just tell you the story. I’ll tell you why I was arrested. I’ll also tell you why I’m the only one who got arrested for it.
       It all started about a month ago, I had just taken my dog for a walk…


     “Okay Rover,” I said, opening the gate to my backyard. “In you go.”
     The dog rushed past me into the yard. I laughed at how eager he was to play. Then Rover ran over to my back door, he started barking and growling through the window. I frowned, confused.
     “What is it, boy?” I started to walk over to the door.
     I looked through the window on the back door. Crap, I thought what are they doing here? I thought I told them we were finished. I opened the door and stormed over to where three of my old partners were sitting around my table, eating my food. They barely looked up when I reached them.
     “Hey, Ralph, how ya been?”
     “I thought I told you we were through!” I said, almost shouting.
     “That’s no way to treat old friends.”
     “You said it, we’re old friends. We aren’t friends anymore.” I said.
     “Fine, we’re just here for one reason--there is a job to do at the Mall of America."
     "No. No, Tom, there is not a job at the Mall of America. There isn't a job anywhere. You know why? 'Cause I'm done with jobs. I'm retired from being a criminal." I told him firmly.
     "You can't be everywhere at once." Tom began in a threatening voice. "It would be a shame if something happened to your new lady friend."
     I looked at him, shocked. "How did you find out about her? I haven't told anyone about her."
     "I have my ways. Here's how this is going to work. In exactly 27 days, we are going to rob a jewelry store in the Mall of America. Until then, your girlfriend is going to be in the company of our friend, Keith. You remember him. The day after the job is done, Keith will release your girlfriend. 'K?" Tom informed me.
     I went over this in my head. I thought over every detail. Seconds after he told me this, I agreed.
     "Great, we're going to start tomorrow morning." Tom said. 
     Finally, all of my old friends left.
     "Perfect." I said to myself. "I'm coming out of retirement to save my girlfriend."
     I looked at my dog, "I must be crazy."


     It was two weeks after Tom, Herald, and Fred had forced me into robbing the Mall of America. We had finished going over all of the blueprints for the jewelry store. We had our way in and out. I was walking through the mall, holding my camera. I took pics of all of the security camera's near and in the jewelry store. I looked through the window at the front of the store, and finally I understood why they wanted to rob this particular jewelry store. At first, I couldn't figure out why they wanted to rob this store, there were so many other jewelry stores that had much more expensive jewelry in them. But looking at the jewelry in the window of the store, I saw this beautiful, expensive necklace.
     There were three rows of sapphires and diamonds. The first row had seven small sapphires, surrounded by smaller diamonds. The second row had four medium sized sapphires, surrounded by smaller diamonds. The bottom row had one large sapphire also surrounded by smaller diamonds. It was so beautiful.
     Putting my camera back inside of its case, I walked inside of the store. I walked over to the register. The lady sitting there looked up from the book she was reading.
     "Hello, how can I help you?" She asked cheerfully.
     "I'm just here for an estimate. How much is the necklace in the window worth?" I asked curiously.
     "It's worth about seven million." She replied, like this was a common question.
     I thanked her and left. Seven million dollars for a necklace. Man, what is this world coming to? I thought. 


     Finally, the day of the robbery came around. By this point, I was severely fed up with the whole thing. When we got to the store, everything went according to plan. I walked in and started asking the lady at the register questions about the necklace. Tom went and stood in front of the necklace outside of the store, blocking it from the view of the other people in the mall. Fred was in the security room disabling the security camera's in and around the jewelry store. Herald got the second hardest job of them all, he had to grab the necklace and replace it with a counterfeit without the lady noticing. The hardest job was keeping the lady's attention on me.
     I finally ran out of things to talk about and looked around her desk for subjects to make conversation about. I saw an interesting feather pen laying there. I started talking with her about it. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Herald made the switch. We all got out of there quickly. We made it safely back to the safe house-my house.
     You might now be wondering, How on earth did he get arrested? I thought he would get arrested while trying to steal the jewels. Well, as you can see, that's not how it happened. 


     When we got back to my place, we parted ways as likely enemies. Tom called Keith and had him release my girlfriend. Now I'll go ahead and describe what stealing from the Mall of America was like for me. I had as much fun stealing from the Mall of America as I would have if I was walking through the middle of the battlefield and was shot by my girlfriend.
     Anyways, getting back to the subject at hand, when I was finally alone, I let my dog back into my house. Then I sat down at my desk and turned my laptop on. I was really curious about this missing item that everyone was talking about. I did as much research as I could on my own. I was interested in this story that I called an old friend of mine and asked him to look into it. You see, this old friend was the best in the business at getting through firewalls and hacking websites without leaving 'footprints' that he'd been there.
     Two days later he called me back.
     "Larry, did you find out what was stolen from the white house?"
     "Yes I did." Larry replied, he let out a laugh. "It was a blue feather pen." 
     "A blue feather pen?" I asked with astonishment.
     "Yeah, even more embarrassing for the white house, is that it was a woman that stole it."
     "A woman stole a blue feather pen from the white house? You're kidding?" I asked, stunned.
     "Yeah," He stopped for a minute to look at the computer screen again. "Wow, she's also suspected to be living in Minnesota." 
     "Larry, I think I know who stole the pen."
     "Are you serious?"
     "Yes, I've got to go." I said and hung up.
     I walked over to the door and grabbed my keys. I ran to the car and jumped in. Ten minutes later I was at the Mall of America. I ran into the jewelry store and dashed over to the register. 
     "You stole that feather pen from the white house!" I accused her.
     "Yes I did, and you stole the necklace from the window." She countered.
     "No, I didn't."
     "You may not have stolen it personally, but you were with the criminals that did."
     I decided on a better course of action and rushed back out the door. I ran down the escalators and rushed back out to my car. I drove straight to the police station. I ran to the detectives desk.
     "I know who stole the item from the white house."
     "How do you know who stole it, if you don't even know what it is?" The officer at the desk asked.
     "I was chatting with this woman on the internet in a secure browser. And this next part might have been a criminal act, I'm not really sure. While I was chatting with her, I was pretending to be a criminal myself. I told her of some of the "crimes" I had committed. When I was done boasting, she told me that she was a criminal as well. She said that she had stolen a feather pen from the white house. She said it was worth three million dollars. At first I didn't believe her, but as she continued talking, I started to believe her. In the end I was convinced she was the one who had stolen the missing item."
     "Well, it's worth checking out." He said a minute later.
     So I gave him the stores name and the lady's name--at least the name that was on her name tag. Then I left.


     So here I am, in the back of a cruiser being taken to the station. Apparently, they went and checked her out. They didn't find the feather pen. Right before they left, she told them that some of my friends and I had stolen a necklace that had been in the window. She said that we had replaced it with a fake. She showed the officers the fake, and they came and arrested me, no questions asked. They said they saw me taking pictures of the security camera's. 
     I guess you really do learn something new everyday. Today I learned that I should not take pics of security camera's without dying my hair and wearing a mask. When we get to the station, as long as they say I can take my dog with me (like that's going to happen) I'm going to rat on my "friends".


     Well it's been two days since I was brought to the station. Since my girlfriend was being threatened, (she confirmed this) I was released and my "friends" were arrested. The lady at the jewelry story was found guilty after an investigation on her was finished. It looks like everyone had a happy ending.

A Mystery Robbery by Dawn-Marie


                                   Mystery Robbery

                       It was a stormy day at Lakeview Mall, but that keep people from going shopping. The mall was filled with people. Going upstairs downstairs back-forward zigzag people bumping into each other, but "BOOM!"Everything stopped when the wealthiest women in the city stepped in, Martha Allison. She wore very awkward clothing and today she dressed as Blue Macaw. Everyone watched as the blue feathers flew everywhere, while her dog Bruno tried to catch them. As Martha walked through the mall confident and proud something caught her eye. It was the most beautiful necklace she'd ever seen. The blue diamonds twinkled in her eyes. _ In her heels she ran as quickly as she could into the jewelry store. She thought of how amazing it would look around her neck. She went straight to the counter ,"Please Sr. I will like that diamond blue necklace." She said excitedly  "Sorry mam you can't have it." He replied. Martha laughed "You must know who I am? I'm-"  The jeweler cut her off and said, " I know exactly who you are. Another one of those multi-millionaires. Well sorry mam you can't have it. It's on hold for Thomas Pierre. He'll be picking it up today." "Well there must be another one?"She said, "No mam it's a one of kind. I'm very sorry" He said. That only made Martha want the necklace even more.One of a kind jewelry! "Oh well how much did he gave you for it? I'll give you fifty thousand1." "Mam sorry it's on hold.There are many other jewels in here." He said trying not to show how aggravated he was. He waved out his hands to show her to the other jewels. "Oh! But I don't want those! I want this one!" She said in aggravation. Mam please, you're turning attention this way." Said the Jeweler. Martha said angrily "Oh what would a man need a one of a kind diamond necklace for! Is he going to wear it?!" The police had walked over to see what all the humbug was about. As the jeweler told the police, Martha kept rambling on about why a man shouldn't have a diamond necklace. When the police asked Martha politely to leave the store Martha Screamed "Not until I get my necklace! It belongs to me!" She was dragged out the Jewelry store and said "I will get my necklace!"

          As Martha's butler let her out the limo he asked "Madam has something happened in the mall?" Martha slapped her butler " It is none of your business! You want to know what's your business? Your business and job is doing as I say! Now fix me some ice tea and get me a fresh towel I'm going to the pool. Also since you can't mind your own bussiness go pick up Bruno's on the yard's lawn! Martha was always rude to her maids, Butlers, chauffeurs, cooks anyone who worked for her. She thought they should all bow down. But of course no one else thought that. She was only wealthy Queen.

            That night Martha had left her mansion she said she was only going for a walk. Martha walked down the street all in black, but she couldn't help to leave her feathers. Leaving a trail of feathers which blew away with the wind. Martha caught a taxi and went on where ever she was going.
            Meanwhile at Martha's mansion everyone was cleaning the gigantic place inside and outside even having to clean her high ceilings. All the servants groaned "Oh why do we have to do this!?" said one "We clean this place already everyday!" said another "Even the rooms that are never used!" "Cleaning these fifteen feet high ceilings are dangerous!" "Yeah we can get hurt!" Then the lead maid came out and said "I know what you all mean, but this all Butler Adam's fault! He's the one who got Ms. Martha angry!" Everyone shouted in agreement. The lead maid continued "He knows to stay out of her business! This has happened many times before! If he could only NOT be so curious. I bet if he was the one cleaning this place this wouldn't have happened again!"

                     Three hours had passed and finally the mansion was cleaned. Everyone was asleep. As Martha came up the street she lived going same the way she saw Butler Adam. She was startled by him "OH!" she screamed when she saw him coming up behind her. Then, she realized it was only her butler. "Adam! What were you doing out late at night?" "Sorry I frightened you madam. I just went out to get some air." he replied "Ugh!" Martha said angrily "Well since you're here carry me the rest of the way home." She gave a fake smile. He replied "It'll be my pleasure mam." He also gave a smile. Once he got up the fifty steps to the mansion he let her down. He hunched over and breathed heavily for it was serious work carrying her. "Stand up straight you fool, and stop breathing so heavy!" Martha demanded "and open the door!" "Of course mam." He replied out of breath. As she walked in the mansion was so clean it seem as if everything twinkled. "Oh! It's beautiful! Now this is much better cleaning than usual huh? The mansion always looked that way. Only this time the walls and ceilings were scrubbed. But the butler nodded in agreement. "Well I'll be upstairs in my room if I need you. Goodnight. She shut the lights out. The butler mumbled "Goodnight"

                      One the news that morning everyone eyes were clued to the T.V.  There was footage of Martha having a fit at the jewelry store. Martha was still in bed though. One of the servants said, "Good thing Martha isn't awake, she'd be having a tantrum by now." Everyone agreed. Then Adam came in One of the servants said, " Are you happy now? You get to see what happened to Martha the other day!" Adam didn't reply, but grabbed his breakfast ate by himself. Then a huge announcement came on. The necklace was stolen from Thomas Pierre's house! One of the maids gasped "You don't think Martha did it. Do you?" Adam said as if he was trying to frame Martha " Well she was out for a while last night. Wearing black cloths which isn't her color."    "Oh! Shut up Adam!" the maid said "What do you think Patricia?" (The lead maid) Patricia looked down "Well I think she'd deserve going to jail if it were her. Always bossing us around getting whatever she wants! But yesterday no, she didn't get what she wanted and it was the necklace." Everyone always agreed to what Patricia said she has been around longer than them. She was about fifty years old almost the same age as Martha. Everyone else were in there twenties or thirties. The came down Martha, looking  angry as ever stumping down the stairs. "How dare they accuse me! I'm not a thief! Why would I need to steal when I can buy? I can buy this Universe!" She screamed Everyone came to calm her down saying "Oh we know it wasn't you." Of course they're lying. Martha called her makeup artist. Martha had to go into interrogation.


The Big Mistake

                                                         The Big Mistake
                                                          Larraine Marie
People say to stay inside at night, well sensible people do.  In this Nevada home disagreement found its way in. Rachel was a normal 16 year-old girl, and the  things on her wish list for her upcoming 17th birthday were to:  1.  Stop mom from saying "no."  2.  Do things when I want to, how I want to, and where I want to.


"Mom, I'm going to the mall."

She snatched her car keys before her mom descended the stairs.

"Honey, we talked over this," sighed her mom.

"Talked about what?"

"You're not 18, and you still have to follow my rules.   Young lady, I have to keep telling the golden rule over and over.  No going out by yourself after 7:00!"

"Please just listen for one minute to what I want, not what you want.  I'm getting older and I deserve more freedom.  I want to do something that involves me being independent."

"Rachel, you have to understand that the world is full of bad people.  Burglars and shooters usually sneak around at night.  I'm looking out for your safety."

"I'm getting in my car and I'm going to the mall!"

"Come back here!"

"Watch me!"

It was a little too late, because she was off.  She just thinks that everything she says is right.  I'm going to prove her wrong.  When Rachel arrived at the mall, it felt vacant.  All the stores were open, except the food court.  It was quite busy, for the space was jammed packed.  Then, a blue necklace caught her eye.  It shined so bright that she went over to take a look. 

"Hello, ma'm," she said to the front desk lady.

"What are you looking for today?"

"Well, I got my eye on that necklace over there.  It's the one in the middle of the store."

"I see you got your eye on our new collection.  That necklace is a bit pricy though."

"How much?  It's not like it's that bad."



"Wait! I hear a sound," whispered Rachel."

"It's gun shots!"


Boom! Boom! Boom!


Cries of tears and sadness were heard.

"Evacuate to Pandora!" hollered a police officer.

"Mrs. Bark, close the store once everyone's in!"

"It's closed." called Mrs. Bark.

"My dog is still out there!" cried a voice.

"What's happening?" cried another.

"It's a burglar!"

Rachel picked up her phone and called the operator.

"Help me! Help me!"

"Calm dow....

"Please help!  I'm at the Las Vegas Outlet Mall.  There's a burglar with a black mask in here!"

Her face was red and she was covered with a puddle of tears.

"Calm down.  I'm coming to get you."

That was it.  The burglar came closer to the jewel shop.

Ruff! Ruff!  It was a sharp, barking noise.  It was a Labrador!

"Get off me!" screeched the burglar.

The dog bit the man's leg and sent him stumbling to the ground. The police came and the man was sent to jail.  Thankfully, no one got hurt.  In fact, the whole thing was caught on tape by a woman who was on her vacation.  A blue feather was found that had the thief's fingerprints so the police could exam it.  Rachel told her mom the whole story and promised to follow here rules from now on.

The Ocean Sapphire Necklace by Amelia Pond

On the planet Neptune, twelve small pieces of the planet fell off. They landed in the Mall of Georgia fountain. Well, that's what everyone believes. But I know the truth. No one else believes me.  
It feels like the whole world hates you.I really don't understand. My friends loved me until the necklace was discovered. I now have the power to travel from two worlds. My other world is a  lonely, vacant world. But sometimes, just sometimes, I see something else. Distant, as if in another world. I try to look for it in the real world, but I never catch it. I only see it in my world. I think I live in two worlds. One of reality, and one of emptiness with a sliver of hope.I write this to you in neither.I am at the ocean, but a lonely, gray one where the only dash of color is the blue of the ocean. the same blue as the sapphires on the necklace. The one where this whole mess started.I don't know how I get here, or how I leave, but when I do leave I always end up sitting by the fountain in the mall with my head turned toward the necklace.There is a police car that patrols the mall. Especially the fountain.The blue stripe on it is the same blue as the feather in my hair I got it from the store across from the fountain, the same blue as the ocean in my half-world,yes,that's what I'll call it, my half-world, and the same blue as the necklace.There someone walking up to me.You'll need this was all he said. It was wrapped in blue paper.The same blue as my feather,the police car stripe,the ocean, and the necklace. I decided to open it. It was a camera. I started to wonder why me, of all people would need a camera. Then the thought struck me: Taking a picture if the mysterious figure! It seemed now that it was hidden in plain sight! Then I had an excellent idea. I wrote a ten and a half foot long article about the truth. I just realized I never told you the truth about the necklace.It's from a unknown corner of coastal Georgia I call Sapphiria. It's also the beach I travel to to write. The necklace was literally formed out of the ocean. The silver is the sea foam and the    jewels are the water. The day I discovered Sapphiria I was walking along the shore when a wave came up. After it washed back, there was the necklace. Formed by the sea itself. I took it to Atlanta and put it on the fountain. It's been there ever since. So I really have three worlds. No one believed my article. I truly am alone. 

I got sealed into my half-world.It is my real world now.But I am fine. I have everything I need. When I want something, it appears next to me. The only things it won't give me are life forms and freedom from here. I don't need freedom from here, though.And about my loneliness, it's gone, because I figured out the thing I can see sometimes. I made it my pet. It's a dog.

Mission Cat By: Jo Crew

Fluffy the cat took deep breaths as the Limousine sped past all the other cars on it's way to New York with her owner Thomas. She was playing Talking Tom on her I-phone 5. She absolutely adored that cat. How he'd figured out how to talk like a human, she didn't know.  She looked up from the game feeling kind of sick. Finally, the car stopped at the New York city air station.  Lady Liberty towered over all the skyscrapers, looking a sickening green. Fluffy’s family started climbing up the stairs inside the green feminine gargantuan. She followed, and once they got up, she climbed on the hand, and spit up a hairball on the torch.
At that moment, the woman turned her head, scowling, and said something.
“Excuse me? Do you think you can just climb up on me and spit up on my torch?”
“Y-y-you can talk?”
“Of course I can talk! I’m meant to protect the city. Why do you think they built me? For fame?”
“M-m no way. Now shoo! Before I give you a mission.  And trust me, I’ve been told I don’t give very nice missions.”
Fluffy didn’t move…
“Alright! You asked for it! Your quest is to stop the robbers from stealing all the money in the Empire State Building.”
She handed Fluffy an old paper.
“Here’s your instructions.”
              She turned her head forward again, and went still. Fluffy started off back towards her family. Ben was  looking inside Diane’s purse. Thomas’ family were millionaires, so Ben was always counting their money. Fluffy had an idea for her quest. She shoved Ben out of the way, and took a jar of 15 grand out of it. She then, ran back down the guardian of the city New York.
This mission is so simple, she thought. She looked at the old piece of paper, it said:
For this mission, you first need to find the CIA Cats International Agency. Then, you need 10 Grand in American money. And finally, you need to befriend the robbers.
Your friend,
Orrerus Cattus
              Fluffy took out her I-Phone 5, and looked up the Cats International Agency. She found that they lived right under the Statue of Liberty. She went back to it, and knocked 7 times, like her phone told her. A handsome black cat opened the door.
 “What do you want?” He asked very politely.
Fluffy stared at him lovingly still.
Fluffy came back to her senses and smiled at him warmly.
“I’d like you to help me with a mission I was given by Lady Liberty.”
“Which mission was it?”
“I have to stop the robbers from stealing from the Empire State Building.”
He smiled back warmly.
“I’ll gladly help you with it, along with my companions; Fred, Joe, Sam, and Teresa.”
              When he said each of their names, they came out on queue; Fred was a red, extremely fluffy cat with two huge fangs like human two front teeth, Joe was a strangely dark blue cat with intelligent red eyes, Sam was an almost hairless cat that had huge blue bug eyes, and Teresa was a pretty smooth orange and black striped cat with super green eyes.
              So then they set off to the robbers’ hideout. Fluffy was dressed with a black mask and shirt on. She had her Portal escape gadget, her gun, her Taser, and her grapple gun. She made friends with the raccoons, who were the robbers, and set off to the Empire State Building.
When those raccoons got there, they were not ready for what happened. Fluffy stopped them in a police disguise, and offered them 5 grand. They refused, and went on their way to rob the biggest building in America. When they were halfway there, she offered them 7 grand, and again, they refused. Finally they got there. Fluffy was disguised in her robber costume again, and claimed that she’d found 10 grand in the building. They didn’t think that was all, so she tore off her disguise, and her companions jumped down from the ceiling and pointing their weapons at them. The robbers surrendered and were arrested for attempted thievery.

The End

                                                                            THE CASE OF THE LOST TORCH
                                                                                          By Arse Nick
Narrator: It was a dark night it wasn't stormy every night that is dark in a mystery isn't stormy. I had just gotten home from work to call my wife from my iPhone 5 but there wasn't any reception, but then I had found reception.  So I had called her and she said that I should turn on the news so I did.

News Anchor: "Tonight on channel 277 news at 8.  Lady Liberty's torch has been stolen we take you over to our field correspondent Tom for more details", "Tom".

Tom:  "Thanks News Anchor sorry we never gave you a real name we're here we're recorded this isn't live folks isn't that exciting that we can cut anything out from this story I mean that's what you get for watching channel 277", "anyways all I can tell you is that there was a jar of 100 dollar bills we don't have that much evidence because were only channel 277 why don't you watch channel 6 or something for details back to you, News Anchor".

News Anchor: "Thanks Tom and guys watch something else not channel 277 okay"

Narrator: Okay I see wife oh and neither you nor I have a name it's just wife and Narrator.  So I had to decide what to do even though I don't need to do anything I didn't steal it so I put it to a lot of thought and decided something you never would think of.  I called the police, so I called them and they asked where I heard that from and I said channel 277.  So they said that I should turn the field correspondent in and I was wondering why and I came to the thrilling conclusion that it's because he did it and I figured out why.  So he had decided that he wasn't rich enough even though he had a limo and a jar of 100 dollar bills so he went to the statue of liberty and stole the torch. Now I don't know how he got it from her hands.

Narrator: So he went to jail and what might you ask happened to that news channel well I got a letter from them asking me if I want to work there and I said no I because the suck as a news channel so they gave it to a cat name Catherine do you get it, neither do I.  So that is the time that the statue of liberty's torch was stolen.  Okay class, hey why do I hear snoring, whatever?

By Ripley Lucier

I look up at the Statue of Liberty, clutching the old letter that I found in the time capsule.

Meet me at the Statue of Liberty. 3 AM July 7th, 2013.”

I look around for someone who looks lost, but there's nobody in sight. “Maybe this is all a joke.” I say to myself.

Are you Emma?” a voice calls behind me.

Yeah. Are you the, uh, time travel guy?”

Something of the sort.” he laughed.

Who are you?”

Your husband.” I couldn't believe him.

You are not. You're crazy!”

I have proof.” He pulls out what seems to be an iPhone, but it looks more advanced. He shows me a picture of what seems to be an older version of me wearing a wedding dress. He looks the same, his arms wrapped around me, looking down in my eyes. “This is from 2028.”

I'm speechless. How is this possible? I start breathing hard and stuttering. “How- bu- wh- no! How did- oh my- bu- Why are you here now?”

I'm here asking you to save me. Listen to me.” He grabbed my arms and made eye contact. It was very clear to me that this was important, and he wasn't lying. “Go home, pack your bags. Take all of you money out of your money jar. Leave your parents and never come back. Don't talk to them ever again.” he was very serious and no longer looked happy.

Wh- why?” I asked, half crying. How could he possibly ask me for such a thing? This is unbelievable.

This will save both of our lives. Listen. The day after our wedding, your father plans to shoot and kill us both. Do you understand? You have to follow my instructions if you want to live to be older than 30.” He said very firmly, I didn't want to believe him, but he had evidence.

I walked home that night and saw a black limousine go by, imagining my loved ones riding to my funeral in a limo, not knowing the truth about my father, telling him they're terribly sorry and that they hope the police find the killer.

I go home and do as the man told me. I pack my bags and leave out the window, telling my gray cat, Fluffy goodbye as I went. I walked all night, not knowing where to go, but always knowing that my love will find me.

The Tricky Bird

One beautiful spring day there was a silky Golden Retriever that was out in its back yard just frolicking around. There was a beautiful Blue Jay in a tree that got startled by the sight of the golden Retriever!
It scarcely flew away, like a speeding bolt of light. The dog quickly followed the Jay, running across the yard through bushes, and over the fence!

The bird then led the dog across the street, through an alley, and into a mall!! The dog startled everyone in the mall, as he rushed by to get to the Blue Jay. The Jay then flew into a very fancy, high-class jewelry store. The Jay landed on a sparkly and stunning Blue Sapphire necklace; the dog came into the store sniffing around crazily for the Blue Jay. The dog sniffed to and from. He sniffed every inch in the store except.. the counter, he threw his fluffy big paws, which were muddy, on the counter and saw the Jay siting there on the necklace, like an undercover cop hiding.

Just when the dog snapped at the Jay, he made a loud, screeching, "Chiiirrrrppp!" and flew away! When the Jay flew away, there was a feather that landed on the Blue Sapphire necklace. The dog opened his jaws as wide as he could and bit the feather, not knowing he got the necklace too; then he ran out of the store and right out of the mall just as someone snapped a picture of the scene!

The guy who took the picture called Mall Security and the Police telling them everything that had just happened. The Police confiscated the camera with the picture as evidence. Luckily, in the picture they saw the dogs collar, and was able to see his license number so they can locate him.

Later on that day, the Police called the owner explaining everything that happened and set a meeting to meet at the family's house the next day.  That next day the Police showed up at the owners house. The family welcomed them inside and asked them to have a seat.  Everyone was talking for a few minutes, until everything went dead silence... The Police then asked if they could have the necklace back. The owners gladly gave the bent, chewed up, grassy covered, necklace that was missing a few diamonds back. The police kindly told them that they had to pay for the damages, and the owners accepted the request. The family learned to take better care and watch their dogie much more closely.
Jeanine Smith

The Case of the Missing Neclace by Nicole Hillary

     I was at the mall one day when I realized that the new sapphire necklace that was supposed to be on display was missing. I went over to the security guard at the corner of the crowded mall. I told him what I had seen. He said he would take to his base. I got into the police car and we drove to the mall office. They questioned me on everything I had seen and heard. Then the most amazing thing happened. They asked me if I wanted to help solve the case of The Missing Necklace.
      They gave me a camera a notebook and a lovely helper. My helper's name was Sniper he was a golden Labrador. We went back to the jewelry store  to investigate. We went inside the store to talk to the manager. "Hello I am here to find any information on the missing necklace. Did you see anything or anyone suspicious last night around the mall?" I asked. "No ma'm I was in the back talking to my newest security helper. The owner of the store has been giving every store new security officers." Said he. I had gotten nothing very helpful out of him so I thanked him and went over to the display case.
          I first looked for any smudges in the glass or any other evidence. Nothing. But wait! Something blue caught my eye. I saw a wrinkled blue feather. I, as the police officers ordered, took a picture of it. The feather looked as if it belonged to one of those fancy hats. I felt excited, but I realized that I was at a dead end. Then I solved all of my problems. Another security guard was walking up to me. "Hi,  nobody is supposed to be here after hours." I looked at her,she had a look on her face like she didn't really care about if I was there or not. "Sorry but I am on the case of the missing necklace. Do you know who was watching the store last night?"  She then looked very nervous. "I was why do you want to know?" I then told her all about the necklace. Her eyes started to water. "Oh. I didn't see anyone. Nobody was here." I just started to ask her if she would answer some questions when she took her scarf off. I saw it. The sapphire necklace. It was around her neck and she had another necklace on that had small blue feathers.
            "Why did you steel the necklace?" I asked. She Answered with a stern answer, "I couldn't afford it because the owner doesn't pay me everything I am supposed to get. I thought if I got and sold it I would have enough money. Then I loved it and wore it instead."
                                                   The End


  It was another sunny day on the farm, the horses are running in the field. Inside the farm house an old man sits in his rocking chair thinking how he should start his day. A couple of miles away three sisters were swimming in a beautiful lake. A farmer was carrying two tractor wheels to the tractor that had two flat wheels. While everyone was doing their chores and all other stuff they do everyday a fancy car drives in the driveway. A lady in a business suit climbs out of the car and walks to the house hoping to find whoever she was looking for.
The farmer who was fixing the tractor asked, "who are you looking for Ma'am?"
She stopped, turned around, and said, "I'm am looking for Greg Bailsman. Must you be him?" 
"No Ma'am, I'm sorry. I can direct you to him if you would like me to" The farmer offered.
"That would be most kind of you" she said smiling "what is your name Sir?"
"My name is John Bailsman first and only son of Greg Bailsman" "before I show you where my Father is can I ask you what your name is?"
"My name is Charline Kapens, pleased to meet you."

  John led Charline to his Father in the farm house still thinking. When they got to the corner where Greg was siting in his old rocking chair John left the two alone and went back to fix the tractor.
"I am here for business as you must know. I am here to buy your farm"
Greg looks up to Charline and asks, "why so? Don't you business people have enough money already?"
"This is not my choice Sir, my Boss sent me here. I just want to get this done and over with... plus I do not want to get yelled at by my boss, he is scary."
"That is not my problem, Ma'am. I just want you to leave because this is my farm and I've had it for a really long time. That is not your problem."
"Sir, please, I don't want to make a fuss"
"if you do not wish to make a fuss then leave and get off my property, now!" Greg raised his voice.

  Three girls walked in soaking wet and just stopped and stared. The youngest of them all got a mad face and yelled, "we are not selling our land. I am tired of all you business people walking in like you own the place!!" then she stomped off.
"I'm sorry I think I should be leaving" Charline walked towards the door. "... And for the record, my Boss might come in himself to have a chat with you. I said that so you would be prepared" after she said that she left. be continued

By: Shizu the Dreamer (Richelle G)

The missing IPhone by Rebecca Sanchez

   On a foggy night in New York City. The seniors of Fluffy Cat High School! This were there last field trip of the year. They went to the Statue of Liberty. Then one of the girls names Sarah took her IPhone out to take a picture. They went inside the Statue of Liberty. When Sarah took a picture, then all of sudden the lights went out. Sarah IPhone was missing! Everyone started to scream! What just happened? Sarah said," I spent a jar full of money on that phone". I don`t understand? Then the teacher said," Let`s get in the please kid, we are going to the police"!
They all arrive at the police station. Sarah started to cry because the cops couldn`t catch the thief. Then out of where one of the seniors confused he had the IPhone. Sarah was really mad and happy at the same time!
  Why did you do it? Amy said," Because my parents can`t afford it like your". "Maybe you save your money Amy, instead of spending right away", said Sarah. Amy you should be happy what you have. Thank you so much for giving it back! Can we be friends now. After all they decide to raise money, so Amy could get a IPhone. They sold lemonade, cookies,candy,soda,ice cream,and water guns. They like it so they sold everything. The lemonade and soda`s were a $1.00 a can or cup. Cookies,candy, and ice cream were 50 cents each. The IPhone cost $500.00 dollars. They have already collected $300.50. They worked and worked until they realized they had more than $500.00.
    Amy and Sarah collected $1,000.00. Amy heard that the school needed money to keep the music program going. So Amy and Sarah decided to give the other $500.00 to the school music program. Then graduation day came. Amy and Sarah graduated from high school. The younger kid were very happy because they finally got to do music and play instruments! After the graduation they a swim party for the seniors! Only the seniors could attend but, Amy and Sarah told them to let everyone in please! So the teacher let everyone join the swim party.

                                                    HAPPY EVER AFTER THE END!

The Series of Strange Crimes by Christine Avocado

     It was a fabulous day at the mall..... well for Daniel's Jewelers. They had received a new necklace. It was a beautiful one too! It had sapphires as blue as the ocean and as shiny as the sun. Any woman in the mall was as attached to it as kids like candy. No one could afford it though. Finally, someone stepped up to buy it after a few days. Something surprising happened though, the necklace was a fake. The police came immediately, they searched for the criminal. They took pictures of everything that they had for suspects, even me! They said that they would have to check my house.
        A day later the police were still at the crime, dusting for fingerprints on the glass case. Then a witness came up, he said that a woman wearing a hat with a feather on top, who had a golden lab, had acted very suspicious. He said that he had seen the car and had taken a picture of the licence plate with his camera. The police set out to find the criminal.
       At home something strange happened my dog was missing. I called the police and described the dog. Then they immediately knew that the criminal had a role in stealing this week. First robbed the bank, second kidnapped my dog, third and last stolen the sapphire necklace. So it was quiet for the next few days, I was sad and lonely.
       Finally, we received a call from the police. They had said to come to the police station immediately. So we quickly hopped into the car and set off like there was no tomorrow towards the police station. When we arrived we found my dog, a basket of money, and a sapphire necklace. Daniel's Jewelers was happy, though, quite angry. The criminal went to prison. Last but not least I got my dog back.

                                              The End 

Waiting For Rain, By: Bankbits

The old man sat in the rocking chair. Waiting. CREAK, CREAK, the chair rocked. Silence. CREAK, CREAK, went the old man's bones. His cat sat on the porch. He was waiting too. CREAK, CREAK, went the chair. The old man moved his head from side to side. Looking. First the barn, across the fields, around the old tires by the truck, over the mountain, and ended by the lake. Not a soul stirred save the old man and the cat. Then they looked from side to side again. First the barn, across the fields, around the old tires by the truck, over the mountain, and then the lake. Waiting.

    There! They saw it. A lonely figure across the way came towards them, slowly. They waited. Finally, the figure's gray pinstriped suit came into view. Here was what they were waiting for. 

    "Good day Mr. Smith. Are you ready to close the deal on your farm?"

    The old man got up. Slowly. The chair creaked. His bones creaked. The old man said,

    "Not for as long as I'm alive!"

    "But sir. You see, the deal has already been made. the papers are all written out. If you are willing to cooperate, we just need your signature. If you won't work with us and the banks, there are other ways too. Give it up old man!"

    "I won't! And you can't make me! I'll stand here forever if I have too!"

    "Ah..., but you're beaten. If you won't sign, we can take away your purebred stallion, Rain, too."

The farm was going to be foreclosed because the old man couldn't pay off his debts. If he didn't sell his farm, they would take Rain, as an asset. He was hoping to wait for some money from his crops so he could save the farm and save Rain. So he had waited.

    The old man loved his horse dearly, and would do anything for Rain, even if it meant selling his home. So he signed on the dotted line. He couldn't wait for Rain any longer.

- Bankbits

Catching the theft - Ray Secret

It was a busy Saturday and everyone was out shopping. The parking lot was crowded with drivers trying to find their way through the mobs of cars. In this craze, someone thought it would be easy to get away with stealing a sapphire necklace from the most expensive jewelry store in the mall. However, someone had caught the theif and called the police. Whilst chasing the criminal, there was a crash.

The people surrounded the wrecked police car outside of the mall.

"I hope her dog isn't hurt." said a young boy, who, just before the crash, noticed the police dog and asked his parents if he could have it.

Witnesses were trying to help, "Call an ambulance!" some were shouting. Once the police woman crawled out of her smashed car, she was bombarded with questions. "are you okay? Do you need help? We're calling some more cops!" The woman told the crowd she was okay, and went over to the thief who had slammed on her brakes and the police smashed into her.

"If you're going to steal, you better learn how to get away." the officer joked.

A middle aged lady, with makeup caked on her face, who was in a dress, covered in blue feathers climbed out of the car and was arrested. Someone had just bought an expensive camera in the mall and took pictures of the arrest, put them on the internet and mocked the woman.

The lady vowed to never steal again.

The End.

All in the Month of May

“All in the Month of May”
By: Blogger Teacher

            Detective Hardy answered the phone with a gruff, “Hardy here.” He couldn’t stand to get rid of the old rotary phone he kept on his desk. The younger guys in the office had digital phones; their calls were easily patched through by Ursula, the secretary. Hardy’s calls, though, either came straight to his desk by whoever had his business card, or Ursula had to give callers his number if she was the first to get the call. She hated his old ways, but he was her uncle and she knew he was a hard one to break so she didn’t fight it. Everyone knew Ursuala’s sea-witch ways were learned from her uncle so they didn’t give her too hard of a time—they knew she was an angel at heart. The pair of them was a force to be reckoned with.
            The voice on the other end of the telephone was scratchy and there was lots of static on the line making it real difficult for Hardy to hear what the caller was saying—a female voice? He wasn’t sure. It was too high to be a man’s voice, but was it too low to be female?
            “Get—scrrraatcchhhhh—ov—shkskshksh—Rose Drive—skzzkhhskk—beepbeepbeepbeeeeeep!
            Hardy felt chills crawl up and down his spine. The voice had said Rose Drive. He knew the street well. Rose Drive was a neighborhood stuck in the Victorian Age; the houses, although beautifully and immaculately maintained, hadn’t changed since the late 1800s when they were built. And, of course, each house boasted the most breathtaking rose bushes one could imagine. You could smell Rose Drive before you got there; the aroma filled the air, and especially in May when they were in full bloom and the breeze was light.
 He grabbed his hat, put out his burning cigarette, checked his hair in the full length mirror behind the door, tucked in his shirt and was out the door as quick as a flash although taking care to lock it behind him. Out of habit, he announced he was leaving with his characteristic “Hardy’s on the case!” He was surprised at how quickly and eagerly he was leaving. Hadn’t he noticed the earlier chills at the mention of Rose Drive? Had he finally gotten over last year’s nightmare? It was burned in his memory like a song stuck on repeat—or so he had thought. It was one year to the date since he had walked in on the most horrific crime scene.
Hardy had no sooner started up his red ‘79 Chevy El Camino when he realized he didn’t have a case file. What was he investigating? Had a crime occurred? Was he to be the first on the scene? Which address on Rose Drive was he going to? He turned the car off, got out and locked it so he could head back in to think a minute before he went rushing off. He wasn’t normally so impulsive, except when he had a hunch. But there wasn’t really anything to give him a hunch; he was still shocked at how quickly he had left without being prepared.
Hardy marched back to the detective’s ward, his shoes click-click-clacking on the hardwood floor of the hallway. He opened the door to the ward and, without even looking up, asked, “Ursula, where’s the file for Ro—”
Ursuala was nowhere to be found.
Did she tell him she was taking the day off? When had she left? Had she been gone all day?
Brushing it off, he unlocked his office door and presently found a file folder labeled “CONFIDENTIAL” sitting square in the middle of his desk. He slowly glanced around the office, his hand on the gun in its holster. Nothing was amiss. Not a thing was out of place. The window was shut and locked still. The bathroom was empty. No trash in the trashcan—just as he had left it (his biggest pet peeve was trash in the trashcan).  Just one cigarette butt in the ash tray. But where had this folder come from? He sat down carefully and opened it up. He found all the photographs from last year’s nightmare piled up in the folder. On top of all the pictures was a sticky note with the words “It’s May. I’m here.” scrawled on it.
He bolted out of the chair, sprinted through the door forgetting to lock it, and flew down the hall to his El Camino. He fired up the engine again and sped over to Rose Drive. The sweet aroma wafted through his open windows. How could something so sweet be the place of something so sinister? The street was eerily calm when he arrived on scene—he was the first to get there.  It didn’t take him long to realize that history was repeating itself and he was back at the fourth house down, the tall cream colored one with red trim and the lushest red rose bushes out front. He haphazardly parked the car half on the street and half on the sidewalk, quickly got out and removed the gun from its holster, and approached the steps. He knew what was in store. What he wasn’t expecting, though, was the crunncchh underfoot. He looked down to find that he had crushed an ivory colored chess piece—the queen. He stared at it for a moment and proceeded up the front stairs, ignoring the hairs standing up on the back of his neck.
He had forgotten one important thing: Ursula, the champion chess player and his favorite niece, had called in sick today.