Friday, July 26, 2013

The Poisonious Necklace Case By: Simba

One day I (Amy Fisher the investigator) went to the  fashion store in the mall because of A MURDER!!! The clerk said, " The lady was trying on a necklace and decided to maybe buy it if she could find an outfit to go with it....." I got very suspicious about this clerk. Maybe he had something to do with this murder. The clerk went on, "  ......and then while she was looking through the clothes she fainted and we couldn't wake her, which is when we realized she was dead!." Am i losing my mind or did this man say WE? Only the clerk was there because, they were almost closed. So where in the world did the WE come in at? Then a middle aged women walked up and said, " OH NO, MY DAUGHTER,MY DAUGHTER!!" I walked up to the lady and asked her a few questions on the lines of " Do you have a husband or other friend or anyone with you?" She said only she and her daughter had come. She said they were going shopping for a family get together/party. I asked her if she saw anything of her daughters murder. She replied no she hasn't seen anything. I asked her what her daughters name was and maybe a little bit about her. She said, " Her name is Marelince Debrono and I am her mother Malinda Debrono. As you know we were shopping for clothes for a party. I went to the perfume shop around the corner and she came here i told her i would meet her back here in about 15 minutes." I said, " ma'am do you or your daughter have any enemy's?" "No," said Malinda, " me and my daughter try to make friends no enemy's or frenemy's we try to make world peace. I would be very suprized to have an enemy, especially when i go around doing free food away's! " I told Malinda to stay there while I go take a look at the body. When I got to the scene I caught the clerk talking to someone that didn't look friendly.He looked as if he had something to hide.Once I got to the scene my partner was here but now he's gone. He said he would be here investigating the body with me. Wait, is that him leaving with Mrs.Debrono. I guess  he's probably talking in private with her for questioning. While I examined the body (alone) I noticed a strange bloody marking on the victims clothing, as if she were stabbed. The marking looked as if she were stabbed but, then someone or something tried to wipe the blood off. When I finished examining the victim I walked back to where Mrs.Debrono  was but she wasn't there. The only thing left was her purse and a letter. I picked up the letter and it said, "Dear Mrs.Fisher I have been thinking about this investigation on my daughter and decided to tell you the truth through a letter. Me and my daughters names are real but our personalities aren't.  Me and My daughter are very rood unpredictable people and we went to jail for grand theft, shoplifting, carjacking, and much more  things. Our group name is the take and run girls. Marceline always gets us in trouble and never does anything right. I hate when she takes a car stating her name like its cute when its not.! I've always hated her and i never will like her!. Sincerely, The Take And Run GIRL!!!! >:D"  That is the biggest clue there is in this case besides the bloody clothing. Me and my investigation partner (Andrew Morgan) agreed that we have enough information to solve this mystery. But then, BOOM, came a kick to the door of a tall scary man. I realized that that is the man the clerk was talking to when i investigated the body. He yelled, "MARIO RODRIGUEZ!!!!" Suddenly the clerk came from the back room and said, " WHAT JAGZ!" Jagz yelled, " You took Malinda and made her write this note on how she isn't what she seems and that her name is really Amelia Rodriguez!!" A gasp echoed throughout the room. But, then I realized that in my note it said her real name is Malinda, which means she's a name changer and which means she can also change her look. Jagz said in a girly voice, " Good work investigator Fisher you have solved the case and you know who the killer is but won't say because of who it is. Because he's closer than you think. Closer on my side than yours Amy. Got any thoughts!. I said,
                                                                                                            " THE KILLER IS....."
                                                       Who's The Killer?????

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