Friday, July 26, 2013

Lucky's Story

     "Hawk, will you tell me a story?" Asked the young, blue-winged sky-wolf, Night.

     "Yes, Little One," Hawk answered, "I have a new story for you tonight."
Night perked her ears up. " Once upon a time..." began Hawk....

     "Lucky, a yellow wolf-pet, was training to help the humans recover items that were taken by other humans.  He was sleeping, when suddenly the bell rung loudly.  His ears still ringing, he jumped up and ran into the black and white human-transport, as his human jumped behind the wheel and drove to the scene of the crime. 

     A new human, one Lucky had never seen before, was doing something with a small black box that flashed every couple seconds.  The large building was for trading green-paper for items that humans wanted, and Lucky had been there a few times before.  The human showed Lucky a photo of a blue, sparkling, sapphire neck-piece that humans love wearing around their short necks.

Lucky sniffed the air, and smelled the perfume-like scent of the blue neck-piece.  He barked, and ran speedily toward it.  A man was covered in the scent, and Lucky was positive he was the culprit.  He grabbed the man's pant leg and growled. Lucky's human came running when he saw.  Lucky's human talked to the man, and searched through his baggage.  He found the beautiful neck-piece inside the man's backpack.  The man was taken to the questioning room and was fined for his crimes.

When Lucky got back home that night, he was patted and given human-made treats.  He loved his job helping people."

"Wow! Will he be in another story?" Asked a wide-eyed Night as she curled up to sleep.

"Tomorrow, Night," Answered Hawk, " Tomorrow we will here of another one of Lucky's Adventures. Go to sleep now, Little One.... Go to sleep, and dream of Lucky... Good night..."

- Night The Sky-Wolf

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