Wednesday, July 24, 2013

-------------------The officer's view of "The Tell-Tale Heart"--------------------------
Well, it was a usual Wednesday as I was checking out the neighbor-hood, and I was just eating a doughnut and coffee, and all of a sudden, my walkie-talkie started blaring"Officer Joe, I repeat, Officer Joe, there was a disturbance in 1309 James Street!"  "Roger that." I reluctantly replied. "What IS it, anyway?" I thought.  I drove on over in my police auto-mobile, and I just walked up to the door and knocked 4 times. Bum bum bum bum. And then the madman of the neighbor-hood answered the door. "Hello!", he said joyfully! Come on in! I slowly walked in, suspicious, thinking this could be a trap and he could kill me at any moment...

                              But instead, no killings(so far), no traps, so I walked in and asked him"What was the scream I heard?" He replied "That was just me in my sleep." "Weird... " I thought. Oh well, he showed me around the house, blabbing on about stuff I don't care about. And when we got to a certain room, he asked me to sit down. So, I did.     

        All of a sudden, he had THE BIGGEST SEIZURE EVER! You should have seen it!  Then he pried some floorboards with blood, gore, and unidentifiable things buried under there! Then he admitted that he killed him.

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