Friday, July 26, 2013

A Dream and a Nightmare, All in One by Vrindavan

 I was just rummaging through my grandmother's attic when I noticed a very heavy-looking chest concealed behind a pile of quilts. I ripped at the quilt and scurried around the chest, trying to find the front.
 Dust swirled and danced in the damp air. I found the lock and realized that t had been locked.
 'Now what!' I thought.
 I scanned the room, looking for some clues as per where the key could be. Then I spotted an old bureau, with the turquoise paint peeling off. My eyes trailed to the top of the dresser and I jumped back. On top of the bureau was Granny's cat,the old, gray,and fat one, Fuzzball. I slowly stepped towards the bureau, cautiously taking my steps.
 I opened the door carefully and searched for the key. I found them in the back corner and looked at them. There were so many that it would take me at least a few minutes trying out each one.
 Nevertheless, I started to try each one out.
 Finally, I found the key and the lock popped open. 
 I opened the trunk, only to find a few faded letters. Then I felt around for any secret compartments. I found two and put my hand in one. I felt something round and easy to grasp. I pulled it out and found it to be a glass jar full of...HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS!?!?!?
 I twisted the cap and pulled one out. Indeed, they were real.
 I walked to the other side of the chest and lowered my hand into the second compartment. Inside was something rectangular and very sleek.
 It was an I- phone 5. What was the latest technology doing inside the trunk.
 Then I felt myself being transported somewhere and I was starting to get dizzy. The world was going around and around, I closed my eyes out of fright. What was happening?
 I opened my eyes to the sound of honking and shouting. There I was, standing in the middle of the hustle and bustle of New York City!
 There I was, standing in the middle of the hustle and bustle of NEW YORK CITY!!!
 I could see the Statue of Liberty standing high above the water beneath her, greeting foreigners to America.
 I then realized I was still holding the I-phone that I had found in the chest.How was I going to get back home?
 Well,you could just do a little sight-seeing while you are here. It wouldn't hurt you, would it? You could gaze at the entire city and never get through all the shops and cafes and etc.I thought to myself.
 So I busied myself and strolled down the avenues and peered through the shop windows. I couldn't even contain myself when I saw a chocolate factory right there on the street. The chaotic world of New York City was washing over me and I ran up and down the stairs, trying to drink in the sight of a lifetime.
 But then, I started to feel homesick and felt deeply hungry for some of Granny's homemade Orange sorbet.
 I wished for that feeling for home that I accidentally bumped into a lady, who asked me if I wanted a ride. 
 "Yes," I replied wearily.
 She prodded me into the limousine that she had flagged down and  asked me where I wanted to go.
 " Rockefeller center please, Ma'am." I said,slumping down into my seat, remembering my manners.
 When we arrived, I thanked the lady and hopped out.
I was a very interesting sight and I took my time exploring, but my mind was always aching for home. 
 I sat down a bench and said to the I-phone," Take me home, PLEASE!"
 Nothing happened. I started to cry and I felt so far away from home, helpless. 
 Then I had that dizzy feeling again and the world started to spin. I cried, not because I was sad but out of joy.
 " Thank You!!!" I said to the phone.
 I put the phone down into the the chest and locked everything up. I slid down the steps and ran into the kitchen asking," Can I have some Orange sorbet?"
 I was happy to be home.

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